How to Use Pedal Points (Part 1, Bass Pedal)
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In an AABA form, using a V7 Bass Pedal Point for the last A is a great way to add a new dimension to the A section.
Note how we start the Pedal Point 1 bar before the start of the section. This way, the start of sections are not so defined and rigid, but instead feel fluid. The Bass Pedal Point we choose is "F" because it is the V of the main key, Bb. Note how the top part of the LH joins the RH with chords, while the LH pinky maintains the F pedal point. Since an F pedal would severely clash over C#dim7, we briefly modify it to E. The next question is: how do we get out of the pedal point? We begin to release by holding an unresolved D7ALT chord followed by a descending bass fill into our final target chord. After building tension for 7 bars with the Pedal Point, the release now feels so sweet and refreshing. Bass Pedal Points are a great texture to use to create Tension & Release in your playing! Stay tuned for PART 2 for another way you can use Pedal Points! This is from a special LIVE solo piano performance at Libretto in Paso Robles, CA on 5/15/24. To watch the FULL performance, CLICK HERE. |