Chordal Improvisation
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CHORDAL IMPROVISATION - this is a powerful device for solo piano as can be seen in this excerpt over the over the first 4 bars of the progression in "Stella by Starlight":
A. Chromatic Approach 1) Fmi7(b5) - Emi7(b5) 2) Bbmi7-A7ALT 3) Eb7-D7sus-C#mi7-Cmi7 **sometimes just 1 1/2 step above chord into the landing chord. Other times more than 1, like in Example #3 where I used 3 chromatic chords into the landing chord. B. Other ways to create motion without adding extra chords 1) Diatonic Dyads **RH 2-note dyads + LH changing tone gives the effect of movement even though staying diatonic to Cmi7 2) Changing Range **dropping range like during the F7 can create a dramatic feeling of motion Excerpt from STELLA BY STARLIGHT (SOLO PIANO) as played by Bijan Taghavi at 2/25/23 Solo Sessions @ Dan's Studio in Cave Creek, AZ. To watch the FULL CUT, click HERE. |