Metric Modulation over "Autumn Leaves"
(Part 2: 3 to 4)
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Check out how we make a metric modulation to go from 3/4 (actually, 6/4) back to 4/4. The dotted quarter notes in 3/4 become the quarter notes back in 4/4 time
TIP: by repeating the dotted quarter notes several times in a row, it helps us make that metric modulation and feel it as the new quarter note pulse. In the video, you can see my foot (which is tapping the pulse) make this transition. After repeating that dotted quarter rhythm 7 times, my foot finally begins to feel that as the new pulse This excerpt is from "Autumn Leaves" as played by Bijan Taghavi at 2/25/23 Solo Sessions @ Dan's Studio in Cave Creek, AZ. To watch the FULL CUT, click HERE. |