How to Create RH Counter-Melodies on Body and Soul
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The magic happens in the "Alto Voice" (which is the 2nd voice underneath the melody). This 2-bar excerpt is from bars 3-4 of the A section to "Body and Soul" as played by Bijan Taghavi at 2/25/23 Solo Sessions @ Dan's Studio in Cave Creek, AZ. To watch the FULL CUT, click HERE.
How to approach this? Step 1: Pick a strong target note for the first chord and last chord of your counterline (Gb7 = E & Fmi7 = C) Step 2: Then fill in the rest with chromaticism. (ALTO VOICE: E, Eb, D, Db, C) The counterline here is a chromatic descending line. This creates a cool effect of contrary motion at the end, as the melody ascends while the counterline descends. |