Playing in 2 vs Playing in 4
(Part 2 on "Goodbye Forever")
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Playing in 2 vs Playing in 4 (PART 2)!
✍️ “Goodbye Forever” (Bijan Taghavi) Playing in 2 (“2-feel”) is when you emphasize every 2 beats (1 & 3). Listen to the bass & drums to hear this. Sometimes “in 2” the bassist can fill loosely AROUND 1 & 3. This can break up the 2-feel from being too rigid and gives elasticity. A 2-feel for the 1st chorus of a solo is a great way to build intensity towards walking (aka “in 4” where all 4 beats are emphasized: 1,2,3,4) from the 2nd chorus onwards. This is from 6/24/23 TrioGram @ Málaga, Spain as part of TrioGram's 4 Countries in 4 Days Europe Tour. |