The SECRET To Making Stride Swing ("I Should Care")
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When you think of stride piano, generally you think of a quarter note pulse in the LH. But the secret to making stride piano swing lies in between the quarter notes - that is what we call "the hump".
Check out how the hump is used over this excerpt of "I Should Care". Often times, the hump note is the 5th. But when we are referring to the 5th, keep in mind that means the 5th of where we are going to. For ex: E is the 5th of A7, Bb is the 5th of Ebmi7 (chromatic approach into Dmi7). Sometimes, the hump note is a chromatic approach. For ex: G is a chrom below into G# (3rd of E7). But generally, the theme you will notice - whether the hump note is the 5th, a chromatic approach or even sometimes a shell tone - it is usually always played with the 2nd finger of the LH. |